For a limited time, explore unbeatable value with our current offers and promotions!
July Loyalty-Member Exclusive Discounts
As a loyalty program member, you get access to exclusive monthly discounts.
July Loyalty-Member Giveaway
As a loyalty program member, you have the chance to win exciting prizes—our little way of making every visit extra special.
Win a $500 Fuel Voucher
Order now for your chance to win a $500 fuel voucher!
For every $1 spent in-store or online, when logged into your loyalty account, you’ll earn a chance to win a $500 Souvlaki GR fuel voucher!
Promotional period: July 1st – June 31st.
Winner announced: 1st business day of August.
Available to loyalty-members only.
Non-Member Offers
Indulge in our non-member exclusives, crafted to make every dining experience memorable and budget-friendly.
$9.90* Souvlakia
All Souvlakia are $9.90 for a limited time only
*This offer does not apply to our Lamb Souvlaki and Savva Special, and additional extras will be charged for.
Available online and in-store.
Available for non-members.
This is a limited time offer.
$10 Value Range
Value Range available for a limited time only
Rice available in selected stores only.
Available online and in-store.
Available for non-members.
This is a limited time offer.
Loyalty-Member Exclusive giveaways and discounts
As a loyalty program member, you have the chance to win exciting prizes—our little way of making every visit extra special.
Win a romantic valentines escape for two!
Order now for your chance to win a romantic Valentines escape for two at Safety Beach in a beautiful 3 story holiday home, plus 2 passes to the hot springs!
For every $1 spent in-store or online, when logged into your loyalty account, you’ll earn a chance to win a romantic escape for you and your loved one.
Promotional period: January 1st – January 31st.
Winner announced: 1st business day of February.
Available to loyalty-members only.
Disclaimer: We make every effort to keep this page up to date. However, please double-check the offer details to ensure they are still valid before placing an order or making a purchase. Offers may be subject to changes.
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